HD.3015: An Act relative to health insurance coverage for hearing aids 

Sponsor: Rep. Sean Garballey 

Hearing aids not only help people hear better, but they decrease isolation, a proven issue in prevention of dementia. Prescription hearing aids can cost around $10,000. Most health insurance does not cover any portion of the cost. If they do cover any portion, it is only a couple thousand dollars at most. Over the counter hearing aids cost between $300 -$500 from major drugstore chains, and are not covered by insurance at all. This is still too expensive for many people, and OTC hearing aids that aren’t fitted to the user can in fact cause more damage. This bill will ensure health insurance companies cover the cost of hearing aids for adults and define them as Durable Medical Equipment. 

For more information, contact Nini Silver at nsilver@dpcma.org.  


HD.2660 An Act regarding the use of aversive therapy 


HD.1110/SD. 1565, 1509, 1405: Spouses as paid caregivers