DPC News & Updates

Advocacy, Legislation Emily Combs Advocacy, Legislation Emily Combs

7004-9031: Retain Accessible Affordable Housing Grants at $2.5M

It can be especially difficult for people with disabilities to find homes that meet their access needs. The Accessible Affordable Housing Grants (AAHG) offers developers and landlords grants to create or rehabilitate physically accessible housing that prioritizes AHVP recipients. This program has funded projects across the state since its inception a few years ago. The Governor’s budget did not include this program.

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Advocacy, Legislation Emily Combs Advocacy, Legislation Emily Combs

H.1601/S.1037: An Act Prohibiting Discrimination Against Adults with Disabilities in Family and Juvenile Court Proceedings

Parents with disabilities, especially psychiatric or intellectual disabilities, lose custody or parenting time at alarming rates due to disability discrimination – while 6.7% of parents in the U.S. have a disability, families in which a parent has a disability are disproportionately involved in the child welfare system. Across the board, disabled parents are 22% more likely to have their parental rights terminated, and parents with psychiatric disabilities are 26 times more likely to have their children removed from their homes. Parents should not be denied the right to raise their children solely on the basis of their disability.

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Advocacy, Legislation Emily Combs Advocacy, Legislation Emily Combs

7004-9030: Incorporate Language Changes and Increase Total Funding for AHVP to $30M ($18.8M + Prior Appropriations Continued)

People with disabilities are more than twice as likely to be homeless than their nondisabled peers. The Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) provides mobile housing vouchers to low-income individuals with disabilities between the ages of 18 and 60. The FY24 budget (and Governor Healey’s H.2 for FY25) included several changes to the language of the line item.

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Get Involved Emily Combs Get Involved Emily Combs

Accessible Events Guide for Organizers

DPC believes that when decisions are made about people with disabilities, people with disabilities should play a leading role in formulating, implementing, and evaluating them. Check out this guide book for our input on making events more accessible.

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Get Involved Emily Combs Get Involved Emily Combs

COVID-19 Resources

At DPC, we believe information is vital for an educated and empowered consumer or customer. Be safe our friends. Check out our COVID-19 resources—including a section for information in ASL.

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