DPC News & Updates

Advocacy Savannah Lorenc Advocacy Savannah Lorenc

CCA OneCare: Letter from Health Law Advocates on behalf of DPC to DOI/AGO/Gov

It is now urgent for the Division of Insurance (DOI) and the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) to act to protect CCA’s members. In recent weeks, we wrote to and met with the Attorney General’s Office urging its team to proactively protect the interests of CCA’s members as rumors circulated about an acquisition of CCA. Now that we have heard that no acquisition of CCA is imminent, that its financial position may be unsound, and that its members are at increasing risk, we believe the DOI must pursue, by and through the AGO, a temporary receivership of CCA pursuant to Chapter 176G, Section 20 and Chapter 175, Section 180B of the Massachusetts General Laws.  

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Advocacy Savannah Lorenc Advocacy Savannah Lorenc

Press Release: Call for temporary receivership  of Commonwealth Care Alliance 

With news that Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA), a health plan serving thousands with the most significant health care needs, faces major financial hurdles, the Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) has called on the state to place CCA into temporary receivership. DPC, a leading statewide disability rights and advocacy organization, believes a temporary receivership is urgently needed to ensure that CCA’s unique person-centered, member-directed model of care remains available to the disability community, now and in the future.

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Legislation David Spratte Legislation David Spratte

HD.2485/SD.1130: An Act relative to preventing discrimination against persons with disabilities in the provision of health care 

People with disabilities are frequently the victims of explicit and implicit bias in the healthcare system–all based on the presumption that the lives of disabled people have less worth than the lives of nondisabled people. This can have harmful and deadly consequences. Some disabled patients have been denied treatments, medications, and even removed from life support, while others have been pressured to sign do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders.  HD.2485/SD.1130 protects people with disabilities from life-threatening discrimination in our healthcare system

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