DPC News & Updates
CCA OneCare: Letter from Health Law Advocates on behalf of DPC to DOI/AGO/Gov
It is now urgent for the Division of Insurance (DOI) and the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) to act to protect CCA’s members. In recent weeks, we wrote to and met with the Attorney General’s Office urging its team to proactively protect the interests of CCA’s members as rumors circulated about an acquisition of CCA. Now that we have heard that no acquisition of CCA is imminent, that its financial position may be unsound, and that its members are at increasing risk, we believe the DOI must pursue, by and through the AGO, a temporary receivership of CCA pursuant to Chapter 176G, Section 20 and Chapter 175, Section 180B of the Massachusetts General Laws.
Press Release: Call for temporary receivership of Commonwealth Care Alliance
With news that Commonwealth Care Alliance (CCA), a health plan serving thousands with the most significant health care needs, faces major financial hurdles, the Disability Policy Consortium (DPC) has called on the state to place CCA into temporary receivership. DPC, a leading statewide disability rights and advocacy organization, believes a temporary receivership is urgently needed to ensure that CCA’s unique person-centered, member-directed model of care remains available to the disability community, now and in the future.
HD.3015: An Act relative to health insurance coverage for hearing aids
Hearing aids not only help people hear better, but they decrease isolation, a proven issue in prevention of dementia. Prescription hearing aids can cost around $10,000. Most health insurance does not cover any portion of the cost. If they do cover any portion, it is only a couple thousand dollars at most. Over the counter hearing aids cost between $300 -$500 from major drugstore chains, and are not covered by insurance at all.
HD.1110/SD. 1565, 1509, 1405: Spouses as paid caregivers
These bills are all working towards the same goal: to allow spouses to be authorized to serve as paid caregivers in the MassHealth program for the provision of certain home-based care and services. Other relatives are already permitted to serve as paid caregivers.
HD.3617/SD.1384: Acts relative to wheelchair repair requirements and consumer protection
Wheelchairs and scooters are often prone to defects and sudden failure. It is common for consumers to be left stranded or isolated in their homes for weeks, or even months, awaiting repairs. By strengthening warranty protections for Massachusetts residents with disabilities and accountability for wheelchair providers, we can level the playing field for consumers, shorten repair wait times, save taxpayer money, and ensure that we are all treated with dignity and respect.
4125-0100: Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Mass Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing provides vital access services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities. Increased funding can create recruitment, training and mentorship opportunities for ASL interpreters and CART transcriptionists, addressing the severe shortage of these professionals in Massachusetts.
7004-9030: Incorporate Language Changes and Increase Total Funding for AHVP to $30M ($18.8M + Prior Appropriations Continued)
It can be especially difficult for people with disabilities to find homes that meet their access needs. The Accessible Affordable Housing Grants (AAHG) offers developers and landlords grants to create or rehabilitate physically accessible housing that prioritizes AHVP recipients. This program has funded projects across the state since its inception a few years ago. The Governor’s budget eliminated this program.
State Budget Report
Last week, Governor Healey released her version of the state budget. This kicks off a 5-month (or longer) budgeting process which happens every year. The House and the Senate will make significant changes before it returns to her. The Governor’s budget helps advocates see where we need to focus our energy in the coming months.
Personal Emergency Preparedness Plan
Cities and town governments are responsible for planning and responding to a disaster. Individuals should also prepare themselves, their families, and their caregivers. We offer guidance on what to think about, record, and practice to complete your emergency preparedness plan.
FY24 Budget Goals for the Alternative Housing Voucher Program and Accessible Affordable Housing Grants
People with disabilities are more than twice as likely to be homeless as their nondisabled peers. Together, AHVP and AAHG help solve the urgent issue of homelessness and institutionalization in the disability community by creating more accessible homes and helping people pay for them.
HD.3015: An Act relative to health insurance coverage for hearing aids
This bill establishes the legal framework for Supported Decision-Making in Massachusetts, an alternative to guardianship in which adults can choose a group of trusted supporters to assist them with making and communicating decisions.
H.1305/S.884: An Act to Create Affordable Homes for Persons with Disabilities
This bill builds more accessible and affordable homes by improving the Alternative Housing Voucher Program (AHVP) and allowing project-basing of AHVP vouchers.
H.216/S.67: An Act Allowing Spouses to Serve as Caregivers
This bill will allow spouses to be authorized to serve as paid caregivers in the MassHealth program for the provision of certain home-based care and services just as other relatives are already permitted to serve as paid caregivers.
H.1168/S.726: An Act Protecting the Homes of Seniors and Disabled People on MassHealth
Estate recovery is the practice of MassHealth recouping the cost of medical services from the deceased enrollee's family. While mandated by federal law, estate recovery is made even more aggressive by requirements under Massachusetts law. It can result in the sale of the family home, causing excessive financial burden and perpetuating poverty, especially among communities of color and people with disabilities.
The History of Commissions On Disability Alliance (CODA)
CODA formed in the spring of 2013 or 2014. Read on for a history of CODA and how DPC came to play a vital role in organizing and leading calls.
Study Finds Worse Health Outcomes in Private Equity-Owned HospitalsNIHCM Foundation
A new study revealed that there was a substantial increase in adverse events occurring while patients were hospitalized, such as falls and infections, at private equity-owned hospitals.
A Dignity-Based Independent Living and Recovery-Centered Model of Care
Community Catalyst’s Center for Community Engagement in Health Innovation partnered with the Disability Policy Consortium to publish two issue briefs focused on ensuring an equity-centered model of care for individuals that are dually eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid.
Editorial: QALY Ban Bill a sign of how far we've come.
Today, while this fight is by no means won, we have made significant progress. There is still significant opposition to the idea of doing anything to stop discrimination against our community in this sector, but we have begun to move from arguing about whether we should address the way these metrics devalue disabled life to how we should address it, and that is exciting.
February 2024 Updates from Our Executive Director
February has been action-packed for DPC, including legislative updates, opportunities to take action, job openings, and more.
Hearing Thursday on Housing Bill!
The Affordable Housing Act is THE housing bill of the session. Governor Healey wrote it as an overarching bill that will touch all parts of the housing landscape in Massachusetts. We’re asking for improvements to the bill. Please consider writing testimony or signing up to testify in-person.